Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tent Camping on the Oregon Coast #5

Another rainy morning, more instant oatmeal, and we were off across the 4.1 mile long Astoria-Megler Bridge (The Bridge to Nowhere) that spans the Columbia River and continues Highway 101 into Washington. (Please excuse the commercial picture - just wanted to show you the entire length . . .) Ever since I was little, I’ve had a recurring dream of crossing a long causeway-type road across tumultuous gray waters. So it was with some trepidation that I approached this crossing – wondering if this was the causeway of my dreams. The day was drizzling rain, but the gray waters were not tumultuous, and they certainly did not lap hungrily at the roadway – even on the Washington side where the road continues out levelly across the waters, it was not threatening like the waters of my dreams. So I guess I have yet to visit that nightmarish road.

It was our feeling that the Washington side of the coast was not as touristy and developed as the Oregon side. We meandered in and out of little communities that looked as if they were locked in time to the 1950's. Pleasant, peaceful, comfortable in being there. At Cape Disappointment we walked down the trail to the Northhead Lighthouse – have I told you how much Dale enjoys lighthouses? When we visited the southerly part of Oregon 7 years ago we were able to climb to the top of the lighthouses. But on this trip, we had to be content to stand at the bottom and look up. That evening, we crossed back over the bridge, returned to The Ship Inn and ate another wonderful seafood dinner!

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