Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tent Camping on the Oregon Coast #11


Wednesday – another gorgeous day. Why? Because it was time to go home!

We had reservations at Memaloose State Park. Remember? The camp with the train tracks on one side and the freeway on the other? But now we were used to gale force winds, pounding rain, and roaring ocean – what’s a little train and freeway noise?

We arrived at Memaloose under blue windless skies – a snap to set up camp in such perfect conditions. It didn’t take us long – we were pros.

I was setting out supper, when a lady emerged from a big RV and came across the road.
“We were watching you set up your tent from our window,” she said. “It went up so easily. You seemed to work well as a team. Our compliments.”

“Thanks. It’s a good tent,” I replied. And had to force my eyeballs not to roll – if she only knew . . . .
The End!

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