Friday, April 22, 2011

Silas Marner

Revisited the book Silas Marner. I read it first in Junior High and found it un-memorable. Perhaps it was because it was an assigned reading accompanied with the need of a book report -- which I always hated.
Now 35 years later, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I appreciated the great writing and the happy ending. As I read, I envisioned a dark, gray countryside dotted with dismal rock houses, and work-worn unhappy people. At the end of the book, my imagination was enlightened with sunshine, blooming gardens, and happy people. It quite reminded me of The Secret Garden transformation, or the movie of The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy steps out of the tornado wrecked house into OZ. I liked it!
I went onto Google and read quite a few notes about George Eliot, her philosophies, and the many subterfuges regarding religion and politics woven into the tale -- I like it anyway.